Friday, February 20, 2009

Time and Space for Essentials RED

For: The Institute of Contemporary and Emerging Worship Studies, St. Stephens University, Essentials Red Online Worship History Course with Dan Wilt.

One of the ideas that we have been asked to focus on during this section of learning is "remember" as it relates to time and space. I believe this is one of the most important things we can do as followers and worshipers of Jesus. The reason it is so important is that we have a tendency to forget what God has done and is going to do. People in our culture seem to be driven by the question 'What have you done for me lately?' Sadly, church folks seem to ask God this question, too. When life gets difficult or we don't 'feel' God's presence or things aren't as easy as we like there is the temptation to doubt God... to doubt his love or care. There is the temptation to believe that he is distant or tending to more important things.

So, we need to remember. We need to remember what God has already done. We need to remember the new life he has given us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. We need to remember he has placed his Spirit in us and has provided for us a new family. We need to remember that he has promised to never leave us or forsake us. We need to remember.

This is one of the reasons that our church community receives the Eucharist every week during our worship gathering. Because we live in a culture with fleeting and flaky desires and a tendency to forget, I want our church community to be reminded what God has done. I want us to know that in a world that is constantly shifting that we can count on this one thing: God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Jesus has been and will always be there for us no matter what.

I very much look forward to our church community experiencing the season of Lent together. My hope is that we can learn how we can be intentional with time and space as a means by which we can grow in our sense of need for God and recognize areas in our lives that need changing. I hope it will be a season that we can look back upon and remember.


Rachel said...

Remember I told you once that I thought communion should be more of a celebration? I guess I wonder if we're "remembering" the one side of God's gift (Jesus' death), but not the other (Jesus' resurrection). To me that seems cause for celebration. Maybe I just don't understand.

Bucky said...

Not sure if you are referring to something specific I wrote in my blog or you are just making a statement. I don't disagree with your comment. In the Eucharist, we consider what God has done through Jesus' death, His resurrection and also His return. "Remembering" and "Celebrating" go hand in hand for me. I don't see it as an either or thing.

Rachel said...

I guess both. I was referencing this section: "So, we need to remember. We need to remember what God has already done. We need to remember the new life he has given us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. We need to remember he has placed his Spirit in us and has provided for us a new family. We need to remember that he has promised to never leave us or forsake us. We need to remember.

I think my past experience with taking communion was so tied to heavy guilt and shame and constant recognition of sin. Not that remembering my need isn't good, but I don't recall ever focusing on Jesus' sacrifice other than just dwelling on his death; there was no balance to the act, no rejoicing in Jesus' resurrection; certainly no celebrating in taking part of this bigger life God has for us.

You know how we celebrated Easter last year? THAT sort of remembering.

Bucky said...

Hey Rach. Thanks for the dialogue. Good stuff. Again I don't disagree with what you have written. I think we view and experience things a little differently... and that's totally okay.