Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Least of These

This past week's sermon was from Mat 25. Jesus speaks of judgment day when he will return and divide people as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. The sheep, the righteous ones, inherit the kingdom of God while the goats are sent to the eternal fire. The difference between the two outcomes has to do with what they did or did not do. The sheep cared for the "least of these my brothers and sisters" while the goats did not. Jesus expressed that by caring for his brothers and sisters in need is the same as caring for him.

To me, this passage communicates how important it is to Jesus that we take care of our fellow brothers and sisters, especially the ones who have the greatest needs. One of the ways we serve Jesus is by serving one another.

Beck and I were discussing some of these things and she shared some of the thoughts that came to her mind as she listened to the passage being read. She told me about how she believes the Lord takes delight in seeing his people take care of his children. A parent may be grateful for receiving help or care for themselves. However, when someone helps their child it means something even more. A loving parent is more concerned about the well-being of their children than they are about themselves. If the child is sick or hurt, how grateful and thankful the parent is to the one who helped the child. Serving the child, helping the child is like serving the parent.

Jesus expresses to us that the we way we treat others is connected to the way he feels treated. The way we love and serve our brothers and sisters is linked to how we love and serve him.


Beth E. said...

You are so right! This is a great post, Bucky.

Thanks for sharing your blogspot address on Facebook. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

Beth E.

Rachel said...

I think one of the most amazing feelings I've experienced is the full pleasure of seeing others love on my kids. There is nothing quite as flattering and heart-warming as knowing that someone else is delighting in your child.

I think God is giving me little glimpses all the time of how he feels toward us. When I look at someone in our church and my heart swells with pride at what they are accomplishing or my eyes fill with tears while listening to their struggles...lessons in love and mercy and compassion. Good God stuff.

Ray Hollenbach said...

This is a good word, Bucky. Even though it is brief, we could spend a lifetime walking it out.