Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Sense of God's Love

This week's Lenten thought from Sacred Space.

"Then he came to his senses." This deceptively simple statement about the prodigal son poses a profound challenge to us all. None of us can claim to be without sin. "We all fall short of the glory of God." Lent can be that moment in which we come to our senses, face facts about ourselves, and make the appropriate adjustments.

After a brief romantic affair with threatened to destroy his marriage and alienate his family and friends, John came to his senses. Before matters got worse, he had the courage to face his fault, admit his sin, and turn back. He was fortunate to receive his wife's understanding, love and forgiveness.

During Lent we turn back to God and entrust ourselves once again to his immense mercy. We allow the Father to embrace us in our sinfulness and sorrow. In being forgiven much, we discover the depths of God's love.

1 comment:

1610 Vance said...

Like the prodigal son, many of us do not get our Ah-Ha moment until we have sat down for dinner with the pigs. Oh! if only we turned to God much earlier in life. Wayno